Are You Ready To Change (Your Light Bulb)?

General, Self-Care, Your Better Life

Most of us are familiar with a type of joked called a “light bulb joke”. According to Wikipedia: “A lightbulb joke is a joke that asks how many people of a certain group are needed to change, replace, or screw in a light bulb. Generally, the punch line highlights a stereotype of the target group….There […]

Are You A “Friendly Mirror”?

Compassion, General, Self-Care, Your Better Life

Mirror: A reflective surface that reflects a clear image. One of the most valuable aspects of any relationship is that it provides an opportunity to receive feedback from another person about who we are, and our impact on them. Friends, family members or co-workers are unique in positions to reflect back to us information about […]

Looking At Your Life With Fresh Eyes

General, Mid-Life Challenges, Your Better Life

If you could look at your life with “fresh eyes”, what might you do differently? I just returned from a week out of the country in the beautiful Cornish countryside, land of my ancestors.  It has been many years since I traveled outside the United States.  And apparently there’s nothing like getting into a hollow […]

Why Can’t Lawyers Relax? – And How They Can


The lawyers who are reading this article probably already know what I’m talking about. The case is tried, the motion decided, or the closing done. You head out for the evening or go home to celebrate, relax and just take it easy. You find yourself sitting in a comfortable chair with the TV on, or […]