Need help?

You’ve come to the right place.

At times, everyone needs a little help.

  • Even if you’re successful.
  • Even if you’ve always been able to handle things on your own.
  • Even (especially) if you look good on the outside, but are hurting on the inside.

Counseling can help if you are:

  • Feeling worn down and discouraged.
  • Asking yourself, “Is this all there is?”
  • Anxious, depressed or stuck.
  • Using alcohol, food or substances to seek relief from stress.
  • Feeling distant from family or friends.

Perhaps you’re wondering how things ended up like this.

You’ve lived the life you were supposed to. You went to the right schools, followed the right career path, got the right job, married the right person, etc.

But maybe partnership in the firm isn’t all it was cracked up to be. Or you’ve been climbing the corporate ladder, only to question whether you like the view from the top. Perhaps you’ve got your own firm, but the work never stops. Instead of feeling satisfied, you can’t stand what you do all day. Or you enjoy going to work, but you dread going home.

What do you do if your life is not turning out how you thought it would be?

  • Instead of intimacy, you have distance, coldness, and routine.
  • Instead of life getting better, it’s become flat and dull.
  • Instead of feeling content, you’re turning to alcohol, food, drugs or other distractions to escape your inner discontent.

What’s worked for you in the past isn’t working now. 

Drive, intense focus, and working longer and harder hours helped you succeed. You built a great business or have had professional, personal, or corporate success. But the qualities and skills that have worked to get you where you are may not get you the things you need now. In fact, these qualities might be working against you.

More achievement doesn’t necessarily mean more satisfaction. Money, status, external rewards and achievements can only take you so far. At some point, you may have lost touch with inner voice (or perhaps you’ve struggled to hear it all along?) To feel satisfied, you need to learn to find and listen to that voice so that your life aligns with your deepest needs.

It’s not uncommon to transition from being motivated by external achievements to different, more internal sources of satisfaction. Your answer to the question, “What really matters to me?” is likely to evolve and expand as you gain more life experience.

Not everyone gets things right the first time out of the box. Even if you did get it right the first time, “right” may no longer mean what it did five, ten or twenty years ago.

Your life doesn’t have to be this way. 

You can have a life filled with deeper satisfaction, more meaningful work, joyfulness, close relationships and spiritual fulfillment. I know. I’ve been helping capable, successful people like you improve their lives for over twenty years.

Imagine what it would be like to:

  • Know what you really want out of life, and be working towards it every day.
  • Have close, caring relationships where you felt seen and understood.
  • Find creative, workable solutions to your problems.
  • Feel good without having to resort to alcohol, food or mood-altering substances.
  • Face the future with a sense of hope and purpose.

Counseling can help you create a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Counseling is a personal, confidential, one-on-one process designed to help you privately explore what you need to do to change and improve your life. It can help you develop insight and skills to make the changes you desire. It can help you hear the quiet, inner voice of your own unique wisdom. It can lead you to a life filled with pleasure, peace, and satisfaction.

Extensive research shows that counseling helps people feel better. One of the strongest predictors of a positive outcome in therapy is that you feel comfortable with the counselor you choose.

Here’s how I can help you.

For over two decades I’ve been a compassionate, authentic, and successful counselor helping people like you heal and change. I’ve walked the path of change myself, both professionally and personally. I’ve also walked it with countless others in my psychotherapy practice.

I know counseling isn’t always easy. It takes financial, emotional, and psychological energy. It can be difficult and occasionally even painful.

But counseling is an investment where the benefits far outweigh the costs. It’s worth it to have a life with more satisfaction, meaning, and joy. A better life is possible for you, no matter what challenges you are facing.

I also know that as competent and successful as you are, you may have pain and distress you are carrying inside just like everyone else. Every the most intelligent, capable, and successful among us have past hurts and old wounds that may be impacting us in the present. The good news is that sometimes it is these very sore spots that hold the key to our future healing.

  • I’ll treat you with respect.
  • I’ll help you find a way to heal and move forward from painful experiences in a more complete and full way.
  • I’ll carefully listen to your concerns and support your efforts to change.
  • I’ll teach you how to find your inner voice, your inner truth, so you can lead a life that reflects your deepest needs and desires.
  • I’ll help you learn how to ask yourself compassionate, non-judgmental, and contemplative questions that lead to real solutions, and a more meaningful and satisfying life.

Please feel free to call or email me if you have questions about how counseling can help you, or if you’d like to schedule an appointment. I look forward to speaking with you.

Warm regards,

Karen Caffrey, LPC, JD
Licensed Professional Counselor

Contact me for a free 15-minute phone consultation or to schedule an appointment.


Karen Caffrey, LPC, JD, Counseling and Psychotherapy in West Hartford, CT  06107